Mal einen Beitrag in englisch :
The Saviour
Attention: it concerns priority about thesis and theory (T&T).
Version for the year 2005:
Exact this represent blessed virgin Maria!
The saviour and messiah are found.
The constellation of the virgin – a formula to the saviour, which Jesus himself pass on.
You found this picture of the constellation in an atlas, which is everybody accessible in greater libraries probably. On demand, I can mention gladly the publishing house.
Perhaps I exaggerate a bit, but exactly this concerns the blessed virgin Maria! (What naturally only a thesis is), then here becomes these topic “solely” treat of geography, mathematics and logic, completely without religious prejudice and similar, then where you found such otherwise, where the people rather only say “Lord, Lord”, instead of turning themselves to the request of the time? Now the explanation:
The geographical aspect:
Put you the places in the head (right), where Jesus appear after his crucifixion, then can you use the constellation as a formula. Emmaus for star (eye) 1, on the way to Galilean (from Hebrew: galilees Circle), is a great area in the north of Israel,…], 2 and 2, then of the lake from Tiberius star 4, and star 6 Bethany (a eye again). From there you must now, corresponding to the formula – calculate. You come then namely in a pyramid (not everybody known), what is not so unusual for a 2000 years reign king, star 7 to 12. She get defined through mountains and the meteor stroke (Nördlinger Ries) in its focus. Star 8 is the focus of this pyramid and lies eastern of the star 7. Hear you the word “eastern”, then keep you this perhaps in connection with the holy three kings, which show his respect the newborn child.
Read you therefore the first chapter of the gospel, then you can define without of problems the stars respectively places from it on the new “considered” maps, because the distance and the angles is exact the relative same (how these there mentioned). The special on it is, that just the district, who at Hebrew Galilean (from Hebrew: galilees Circle) correspond to this district, which comes after the Nördlinger Ries, therefore Heidenheim. These are in a district, in which southern could then theoretically Jerusalem exist, how in the `old` Israel respectively Judea.
This is also as approach put into action there, you know from Jerusalem, Ulm. You can also realize, that oneself the saying: “I will build a new Jerusalem/temple in the heaven” came true.
The time aspect:
Now you keep it to your eyes, what for further aspects join this: The fishes represent the mental leaders, for example by the meal: at first Jesus and Johannes (therefore 2 fishes), the breads represent the “assistants”, respectively each disciple as bread. Read you therefore in the last gospel, you hear that itself at the sea of Tiberias as bargain for 153 fishes + one fish on a grill, and the disciple (as breads). Calculate you now exactly as such as you found the geographical aspects, results itself be compulsory the following calculation.
1 (the year 0 don’t exist) plus 154 fishes (153+1) multiplied by 13 breads (the disciple altogether) amount 2003. But to keep the year of birth, you must go back 30 years, amount the year of birth the greatest of all greats 1973. As month is a possibility earlier the august. He represents a unity of space and time for this area, what you learn out of this. As day the 30, what correspond to this further. Exactly this is my year of birth, the 30. August 1973. In short therefore again the calculation, mathematically: 1 + (154*13)-30=1973
This is real, and could unnecessary prevent sorrow, as well as create for all on least standard. You could this naturally calculate as differently, namely up to infinite, but what not the same of this is.
Another present for think about:
The predominate civilisation based on controlled self destruction. This is a forced to clock work similar facts, which is me best known, and only through myself, my control authority can be stopped. This destruction cans not the government, not unions, not secret societies stop, only delay. Short explain: Wars forces the peoples to progress. So as not to these wars the world uncontrolled destroys, is exactly fixed, ´when which country it its turn´, and which can relax. Work does this how by a clock work. The hand touch it depends every number. So hit also the war the world power it depends, at what the clock work is a star map, which fix points here be explained: therefore: this remain eternal, cold and on a certain way fair. A central authority would the human race give humanity (how it already happens). Therefore she cares for the realization these named facts. Examples of the history can be calling oneself for it, which covers my theory and facts (T&T).
So became the goddess of the heaven ´NUT´ often paint with stars on its body – in principle exactly the same.
The Egypt god ´Amun` has so much similarity to `JHWH`, that you can assume that also other Egypt phenomenon’s how pyramids plays a important roll by the messiah.
The saying: “Out of Egypt I call my son” means for me, that it bargain for, with respect of the saviour and messiah, about very `original` thesis and facts. What all originated from, how the partly spread opinion, that the saviour only can be a judge, I doubt, because the hope for the earth can not only assume from a nation. All religions
and nations are solely `slaves of the lord`, who himself presume more, he makes himself in a way to the lord equal (…).
Read you the gospel Lukas regarding the appearance of the saviour, you learn, that it
would be like by a lightning, what the way of calculation considered the cards belong to.
5. Also you read that Jesus would show himself in the clouds. Who know the symbol
of the internet, know, where Jesus will show himself at first as a real appearance - you
are perhaps exactly by a performance of him…